Profile of FourTris

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Profile views: 131 Views
Member since: 04/27/2015
Last online: 107 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 76 minute(s)
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Username: FourTris
Name: - Please login -
Gender: female
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Age: - Please login -


What's In Your Mind?: What's in my mind...being a Divergent is on my honestly I'm a Divergent
What's your idea?: My idea is to invent a new app. It helps you find the name of that song you just..can't get. Just press record and it records the audio and then *poof* the name of that song just pops up
About Me: Well...I'm a Divergent. I love Dane Dehann. I just get criticized for loving white-people music but that's okay. I cry ALMOST everyday and I just stare at the ceiling at night thinking about how F%#@ed up my life is. I have 4 real friends who ma
Movies like most: I love Divergent.Insurgent,The Fault In Our Stars, The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Amazing Spiderman, Titanic and Chronicle
Music Like most: I love M83 and Ellie Goulding. I also just love The Neighbourhood and Metallica, Black Veil Brides and Pentatonix. I love Celine Dion my Heart Will Go On and I love love love My Blood by Ellie Goulding. Midnight City is also meh favorite song. And I just

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